The True Meaning of Love: Why We Care for One Person More Than Another

The True Meaning of Love: Why We Care for One Person More Than Another

While most people agree that love involves a powerful sense of attachment, there are a lot of differences over the exact meaning of love, and a persons I love you may mean a very different thing from another persons. You might have used the phrases being in love with and loving someone interchangeably, but there are some differences between them, and in the way that we work out feelings in relationships. To help you figure out what the meaning of love is in relationships, here are a few signs that your feelings are really aligned with the concept of love.

Specifically, when you are in love with someone, you experience strong, nearly unexplained longings for the person. Hormones can still make you feel sexually attracted to a partner, for instance, but this is not the same as love.

Even if being loved by another feels good, we each really only can experience the feelings we have of loving that other person, and not the feelings that this other person has of us. Some people might even find the deepest feelings of love are felt for their pets.

Love means that you cannot do life without the person in your life, whereas caring is all about companionship and companionship. One of the distinguishing characteristics of loving someone is being able to look beyond oneself and ones needs in order to help take care of the other person and his or her needs too. Just because you fell in love with someone does not necessarily mean that they are the right long-term partner for you.

For couples in long-term relationships, love means loyalty and commitment, but for college students at the heart of their first real relationship, love can seem messy and difficult. True love is also defined by a mental and physical bond with a partner that runs infinitely deep, and living without a significant other is virtually inconceivable. What does love mean can be summarized as a strong sense of exhilaration and profound attachment to someone or something.

Love is usually associated with intense feelings felt for a person in the opposite sex (it may even be of the same sex), whereas caring, on the other hand, is mainly associated with friendship and care. Based on the nature of a relationship, love has an attribute of a personal relationship, since love is felt mostly toward one particular individual, whereas with care, there is no need for a personal relationship, as one may be caring for someone about whom they have no personal connection.

Although nearly nobody can agree on the definition of love, most people do agree that love plays a major role in both physical and psychological wellbeing. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, if your love life is blissful or lacking, it is clear that each person has opinions about love and what it means in healthy relationships. Some people get butterflies when infatuated with someone special; happily married couples have a deep, profound affection for one another over years; and parents love for their children is generally considered to be the strongest love anyone can have.


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